Dear editor,

If Scott Walker makes a promise in has campaign, chances are he is lying.

And this is certainly the case with the governor now promising to protect people with pre-existing conditions.

In his current campaign he is trying to reinvent himself as a compassionate conservative. All of a sudden he is now the education governor and protecting protecting pre-existing conditions.

If Walker really cared about protecting people with pre-existing conditions he wouldn’t have directed his attorney general to sue to overturn the affordable health care act which protects people with with pre-existing conditions.

When a career politician like Walker is running for re-election, promises have to be weighed against his track record.

Scott Walker is not a man of his word. his campaign promises cannot be trusted. Past promises not kept were promising he wasn’t interested in attacking public employees. making Wisconsin a right to work state, or running for president, we all know what he did!!

Have you noticed no Wisconsin sportsmen for Walker signs in yards this year? Maybe it is due to what he has done to the DNR, and Wisconsin deer hunting, and again not keeping his promises.

Please consider voting for Tony Evers Nov. 6 in the governor’s race.

Fred Hardt, Wisconsin Rapids

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