Dear editor,

I am writing as a lifelong Wisconsin (resident) who wants one thing. I want politics to get back to normal. I want America to get back to normal.

In recent years, both political parties have turned politics into a circus act. From what I can see, this has had little effect as far as accomplishing anything for the (residents) of Wisconsin. I was hoping for two good candidates to choose from in this upcoming congressional race. Two good candidates who would bring the issues they feel are most important for Wisconsin (residents) to the table. We only got one.

I listened to Tricia Zunker talk about the importance of education, creating a better healthcare system, improving our environment and wanting to get out and truly listen to the (residents) of WI-7 to hear what their needs are and going to work for them. That means everyone. Republicans and Democrats alike.

I heard Tom Tiffany say he’s Trump’s guy, he’ll be tough on China, and he’ll work on securing the Southern border. I don’t know what everyone else thinks, but his head seems to be elsewhere, not in Wisconsin. That is the difference right there. One wanting to work for Wisconsin, and one wanting to work for Washington. I myself will chose the candidate who is looking to represent Wisconsin. One who will get politics back to normal. That candidate is Tricia Zunker.

Jason Woller of Wausau

Editor’s note: Wausau Pilot & Review gladly accepts letters to the editor from residents, officials, and candidates for local offices. The views of our readers are not necessarily the views of Wausau Pilot & Review. To submit, send to [email protected].