Submitted by Jim Force to Wausau Pilot & Review

The top men’s and women’s college Ultimate Frisbee teams in our region will be flinging discs this weekend in Wausau.

Men’s Division 1 and Division 3, and women’s Division 1 teams from the sport’s Lake Superior region will be playing for the rights to advance in the nationwide competition.

The games will be played at Brockmeyer Park and Stettin elementary school on the city’s west side, beginning at 9 a.m. Saturday. Competition will resume at 9 a.m. Sunday with the finals brackets. Spectators can watch for free.

Men’s teams in Division 1 include Wisconsin, Wisconsin Milwaukee, Marquette, Northern Michigan, UW Eau Claire, UW Whitewater, UW LaCrosse and UW Stevens Point.

Women’s Division 1 competitors will be Wisconsin, UW Milwaukee, UW Eau Claire, UW LaCrosse, Marquette and the Wisconsin B team.

In men’s Division 3 games will be Michigan Tech, Concordia, UW Platteville, Milwaukee School of Engineering, and Carthage.

Ultimate Frisbee is one of the fastest-growing games in the country, with players throwing the disc down the field to teammates trying to catch a scoring fling into the end zone. 

This weekend’s tournament is under the auspices of USAUltimate, the national governing body of the sport.