Dear editor,

Sen. Tammy Baldwin joined the Democrats in the U.S. Senate and worked to pass the historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Nineteen Republicans also voted in favor of the law. Unfortunately, Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin voted “No.”

President Biden signed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Nov. 15, 2021.

Two years after the passing of this historic legislation, Wisconsin has received over $5.1 billion to kickstart over 300 new infrastructure projects. Some of these projects include repairs to Wisconsin’s major airports, lead pipe replacements, power grid enhancements, improvements to our roads, bridges and waterways, cleaning up legacy pollution in our Great Lakes, and statewide broadband expansion.

It also includes money for people to update their homes to be more energy efficient. Two family members have benefited from this.

$1.6 billion from the Infrastructure Act will be used to replace the Blatnik Bridge that connects Superior, Wisconsin, to Duluth, Minnesota—The Twin Ports. The Bridge opened in 1961 and has reached the end of its life. The new bridge will be safer and boost the regional economy.

About 33,021 cars per day travel on the Blatnik Bridge; 265,000 trucks transporting nearly $1 billion of goods travel across the bridge annually.

In September of 2023, Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wisconsin, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minnesota, Sen. Tina Smith, D-Minnesota, and Rep. Slauben, R-Minnesota, sent a letter to President Biden urging him to fund the project.

Representative Tom Tiffany who represents Wisconsin’s 7th Congressional District voted against the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.,the%20two%20cities%20each%20day.

On Jan. 25, 2024, President Biden traveled to the Twin Ports to announce his commitment to invest in American Infrastructure and Jobs creation as a cornerstone of his administration.

Hundreds of jobs will be created for iron workers and others. These jobs will boost the area economy.

This link breaks down how the estimated $5.1 billion of the infrastructure Act and Jobs Act will be used in Wisconsin:

We can thank Sen. Tammy Baldwin for all that she has done for the people of Wisconsin since she was elected in 2012. Sen. Tammy Baldwin works for the people of Wisconsin. Sen. Tammy Baldwin works with Republicans for the benefit of all of us.

Joyce Luedke of Weston

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