NEWS RELEASE — Falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries for older Americans according to the National Council on Aging. The Council also estimates that one-fourth of all Americans over the age of 65 falls each year. These statistics can be scary, but there is help available in the Wausau area.

“Stepping On” is a workshop open to anyone age 60 or over and is at risk of falling. The community-based workshop is offered once a week for seven weeks and provides tips and education one can apply their own life.

In seven weeks, participants will learn the following skills:

  • How to identify and remove or avoid fall hazards in one’s home and outside.
  • How vision, hearing, medication and footwear affect one’s risk of falling.
  • Strength and balances exercises one can adapt to an individual level.
  • How to get back up on one’s feet after falling.

There are currently two workshops scheduled. The first takes place on Mondays Jan. 15 – Feb. 26, 1 – 3 p.m. at the Island Place Apartments in Wausau. The second takes place on Tuesdays, March 20 – May 1, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. at the ADRC-CW in Wausau.

For more information call 1-888-486-9545 or email [email protected].