Dear editor,

The most important reason on my list is global warming. We are feeling natural disasters already. President Trump has steadily weakened environmental regulations and has put corporate leaders in positions that regulate the very industries they are related to. The Scientific American magazine, for the first time in its history, has endorsed a candidate for president. The magazine has endorsed Joe Biden because of his acceptance of scientific expertise. Trump has questioned the validity of scientific methods and findings.

The next important issue is that Trump’s foreign policy has been a disaster. Allies are questioning our trustworthiness. Trump plays up to dictators he admires for being strong authoritarian leaders like (Vladimir) Putin, (Recep Tayyip) Erdogan, and, Kim Jong Un. His erratic foreign policy has led to world leaders manipulating him. Jong Un got his picture taken with a U.S. leader, but has not slowed North Korea’s missile development. Trump opted out of the Iran nuclear deal but has not developed a coherent policy on that issue. He has damaged relations within NATO, the European Union, and has literally written off competing with China in Asia. In the nuclear age, consistency of relations allows nuclear powers to predict the actions of others. We can’t trust Trump’s judgement in foreign relations.

The third reason is the COVID-19 denial by the Trump Administration. Biden will provide scientific leadership in dealing with the pandemic. The failure of the Trump administration to deal with the pandemic gives us little confidence in his ability to deal with emergencies that will affect his popularity. 

Trump has openly threatened the existence of our Republic in many ways. Biden and Tricia Zunker will reestablish democratic norms.

Trump has bragged about how the stock market has maintained record highs, but the working-class economy has suffered. Under Trump’s greatest economy, workers’ wages and salaries have remained static even in times of low unemployment. Biden and Zunker will work to bring the benefits of labor to the workers who produce our wealth, instead of to CEOs and shareholders. Biden and Zunker will make health care availability for everyone a priority. Trump has vowed to get rid of the Affordable Care Act and pre-existing conditions coverage. The division of the U.S. into those who have health insurance, and those who don’t, hurts everyone, not only in the time of a pandemic but increasing deep divisions in our society.

Trump plays coy in his relations with white suprematists, encouraging racial hatred when we need social healing. I see no chance of healing our social divisions by Trump’s methods and tweets. Biden and Zunker will work to make the United States a united people.

Biden and Zunker will promote reforms of police and prisons to get more help to people in need. We need comprehensive training to become a member of the police profession. We have the highest imprisonment rate of any country. Minority males are incarcerated at a very high rate. That is very wrong.

Biden and Zunker will overturn Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission Supreme Court ruling. The court ruled that corporations are legally considered as people. Therefore, corporations have the right to give unlimited money to political campaigns under the individual’s right to free speech. Big money in politics is destroying our democracy.  

Trump continues to tie disaster relief according to a state’s or territory’s political allegiances. Biden will be the president of all U.S. citizens. 

Trump and his family are making money off of his office. When Trump said he would drain the swamp, we didn’t realize it would be drained into the Trump family’s pockets.

PTrump continues to lower taxes on the wealthiest of our citizens. Biden will make sure the wealthy will pay their fair share. Biden will not raise taxes on middle-income people. We need to raise the inheritance tax for multi-million dollar estates (excluding working family farms and other such family-oriented businesses). We should also have a minimum progressive percentage tax on corporation profits.

Biden and Zunker will reestablish the professional scientific standards of the Center for Disease Control and will cooperate with the World Health Organization.

Biden and Zunker will empower labor to have a say in matters of pay, safety and work conditions.

Biden and Zunker will regulate big agriculture and improve the competitiveness of family farmers.

Biden and Zunker are moderate Democrats. They will work with the party across the aisle. Biden has worked with Republicans for years. They will work hard to reestablish democracy in this country. 

Most of all, I would like to get back to all of us discussing issues and choosing a pragmatic path rather than being walled in our own silos always thinking we are right. Biden will do that with Zunker’s help. Biden and Zunker will work on legislation through discussion and compromise, not tweets and bluster.

Rick Lohr of Marathon

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