WAUSAU – Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States, according to the American Cancer Society. Finding it early could make it easier to treat and decrease the risk of death.

Aspirus Cancer Care – Wausau will offer a lung cancer screening event from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept. 9 at Aspirus Cancer Care – Wausau, 215 N. 28th Ave. for people at high-risk for lung cancer. For example:

  • Current or former smokers (quit in the last 15 years)
  • Ages 50-77 (80 for private insurance)
  • More than 20 pack years
  • No existing symptoms of lung cancer such as coughing blood or unintentional weight loss

During the 20-minute screening appointment, patients and providers will discuss risks and next steps. Patients will then have the option to schedule a CT scan for a later date.

The screening is free, and the CT scan is covered by most insurance plans.

Call 715-847-2000, ext. 52605, for more information and to reserve your spot.