The Patriot Day awards ceremony was held by the Wausau American Legion Post 10 at Bunkers in Wausau on Saturday, September 10, 2022. The Post annually recognizes individuals and businesses that have demonstrated a commitment to serving either the public or veteran organizations throughout the year. This year’s recipients are:

Youth of the Year – Carson Rice

To complete his Eagle Scout Project, Carson helps a local group called KATS- Keeping Area Teens Safe.  KATS is a local not-for-profit youth shelter that works as a safe haven for young people ages 12-17. They provide shelter, meals and are a bridge to services to help keep these young people off the streets and safe. 

Business of the Year- Connexus Cares, Craig Stancher 

Connexus Cares provided funds to help the Post secure a vehicle for military funerals and other Post functions.  They also provided funding for our past and future veteran meals delivery program. Connexus Cares funding has allowed us to provide the most visible symbol of American patriotism, the American flag, which will be flying in front of the new community center on Grand Avenue. 

Citizen of the Year- Senator Jerry Petrowski

State Senator Jerry Petrowski served his country in the U.S. Army Reserve for 6 years. Jerry has over 30 years of experience as a small business owner, a machinist and farmer.  In 1988 he turned his focus to public service and was elected to the State Assembly and later elected to the State Senate in 2012. Senator Petrowski was nominated and selected for this award because our members wanted to be able to recognize his service to our community, fellow veterans and our military members.  

Protective Services of the Year- LEAP, Dan Krcma

LEAP is the Law Enforcement Appreciation Project. It is a local organization and their mission is to show appreciation and support for the law enforcement community throughout Marathon County. LEAP is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization. They provide gift cards to the officers for their use in purchasing beverages or snacks during their shifts and encouraging community members to get involved and “Pay it Forward.” 

Legionnaire of the Year- Bob Strack

Bob is currently serving as our Post’s Senior Sgt. At Arms.  Part of his duties require him to complete the set-ups at all of our Post Functions. Bob is also a very active member of our Honor Guard and helps maintain the Post vehicle for events.  He also helps to keep the displays updated in our Purple Heart Room. It is wonderful display of our Post 10 and Wausau Area Veterans history.  In addition, Bob is very active with Habitat for Humanity.

Pictured left to right: 

Carson Rice, Craig Stancher, Senator Jerry Petrowski, Dan Krcma, Bob Strack 

Story courtesy of Tony Nardi and Mike Heilmann 

Photo’s courtesy of Mike Heilmann