On Wednesday, October 12, 2022 Sasha Everett, Mrs. Wisconsin America 2022 spoke at the Veterans Weekly Cup-of-Coffee group meeting in Rothschild at Denny’s. Sasha also spoke at the Wausau American Legion Post 10 membership meeting at Bunkers Restaurant in Wausau on Tuesday, October 18, 2022. Sasha is now volunteering to help both organizations which are partnering together to expand their Veteran meal programs. 

Veterans Weekly Cup-of-Coffee, Don Kozlowski, Sasha Everett, Mike Heilmann

Sasha Everett was crowned Mrs. Wisconsin America in June 2022. During her reign, there are several issues and projects she would like to focus on. These include expanding her platform, “Pages with Purpose,” an initiative to encourage literacy in young children and working with Veterans organizations including the Wausau American Legion Post 10 and the Veterans Weekly Cup-of-Coffee group.  Sasha’s husband is a United States Army veteran who served 2 overseas deployments and so helping our veterans is very important to Sasha and her family. Sasha, her husband, and two children reside in Wausau, WI and she is excited to continue helping the community here and across Wisconsin.

The Post has provided over 4,000 “Safe at home” meals for Veterans in the last three years. The meals have been prepared by Bunkers Restaurant in Wausau and delivered by both member and non-member volunteers to over 100 Veteran families.

In the last year and a half, the Cup of Coffee group has provided over 284 meals for Veterans at Denny’s in Rothschild. The group has recently started a meal delivery program for Veterans.

Both organizations are looking to increase the number of Veterans they provide meals for. They realize that many family members, friends or care takers make the call for the Veterans to receive meals. To be added to the Post 10 meal deliver list, call the reservation line at 715-509-1010 and leave a name and phone number. To be added to the Cup of Coffee meal list for meals at Denny’s or delivery call Don at 715-573-3208 and leave a name and phone number. Both organizations will share their Veteran lists and Veterans can receive meals from both which will be delivered on different days.

The meals are free for Wausau area Veterans and their family members or guests. Both organizations rely on donations from local businesses and residents to provide this service for veterans. 

Story courtesy of Mike Heilmann

Veterans Weekly Cup-of-Coffee, Director

Wausau American Legion Post 10, Marketing Representative