Wausau area Veteran organizations gathered for a Veterans Day ceremony on Friday, November 11, 2022 at Bunker’s Restaurant in Wausau and the public was invited.

Lt. Colonel Ralph Sliwicki, Army retired, was the emcee. Don Hildebrandt, Chaplain, of the Wausau American Legion Post 10 provided the opening prayer. The guest speakers were Mayor Katie Rosenberg, City Representative, Jill Geoffroy, Marathon County Veteran Service Officer and Phil Southworth, National Guard Captain and VFW 388 member.

The Color Guard members included the American Legion, VFW, Man of Honor and AM Vets.  The American Legion provided the Rifle Squad. The Solemn Bell tolled at 11:11 am by the VFW to commemorate the first Armistice Day ending WWI and Echo Taps was be performed by Jon Greenwood and Dale Osterbrink.

The ceremony was followed by a luncheon for members and guests.

Story and photos courtesy of Mike Heilmann