Peoples State Bank is proud to honor our Veterans! Mike Heilmann, who leads a Wausau area veterans group called Veterans Weekly Cup of Coffee accepted a donation of patriotic hats and a check for $500 from Peoples. Amber Gober, Peoples Stewart Ave. Branch Manager and Amanda Heiner, Mortgage Lender, represented the bank during the donation. When one of our employees heard about the donation, her aunt donated a handmade quilt to the group as well!

The Veterans Weekly Cup-of-Coffee group thanks Amber and Amanda for attending their meeting at Denny’s in Rothschild on April 19, 2023. The members were very happy to receive over 100 patriotic caps and will wear them proudly. We had enough left to present to veterans at the Business Expo on April 20.

The monetary donation will be used to purchase meals at Denny’s for our veteran meal program. We will raffle off the beautiful patriotic quilt at one of our meetings which will help us provide more meals for Veterans.

In the last two years the group has provided over 474 meals for Veterans at Denny’s. The group has recently started a meal delivery program for Veterans on Wednesday’s and would like to provide more meals for Veterans. Family members, friends or care takers are encouraged to help make the call for their Veteran to receive meals. To be added to the Cup of Coffee list for meals at Denny’s or delivery call Don at 715-573-3208 and leave a name and phone number. 

Veterans can also be added to receive meals from the Wausau American Legion Post 10. Both organizations have the meals delivered by volunteer drivers. The meals are free for the Veteran and their family or guest. The organizations appreciate donations which help provide this service for Veterans.

Story courtesy of Mike Heilmann

Photos courtesy of Peoples State Bank