Dear editor,

The Wausau Pilot & Review had an article June 6 on a new organization called “Keep Our Republic,” in honor of Ben Franklin’s famous phrase. The group’s website describes “protecting a republic of laws and strengthening the checks and balances of our democratic electoral system.”

But it appears to be ignoring one of the biggest threats to our democratic system: gerrymandering. Wisconsin Republicans have used gerrymandering of legislative districts to steal votes by rendering them meaningless. They have corrupted the basis of our form of government.

The Wisconsin state director for “Keep Our Republic” is Kathy Bernier, a former Republican legislator.

In 2011, Bernier voted in favor of bills that locked in gerrymandering for 10 years. During her tenure in the Assembly and later the Senate, she held key positions on election committees. But she failed to hold public hearings on bills that would implement the Iowa model, which is a fair and successful model for mapping districts.

(On July 20, 2011, Bernier voted in favor of three bills, SB 148149, and 150, that locked in gerrymandering for ten years.

On Jan. 21, 2017, AB 44 was introduced in the legislature by Democrats, and was referred to the Assembly elections committee. This bill would have established the Iowa model in Wisconsin.  The chair of the Assembly elections committee, Representative Bernier, refused to hold a public hearing on the bill.)

If Republican leaders from Wisconsin and this organization would condemn gerrymandering, it would be a step that would help to “Keep Our Republic.”

Paul Malischke of Platteville

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