WAUSAU – What if you called 911 during an emergency and help never arrived? Workforce shortages, escalating costs and funding gaps have placed Wisconsin’s emergency medical services in peril, a situation that is even more dire in rural communities.

More than 40 percent of state EMS agencies have staffing gaps where no ambulance is available for emergency calls, according  to a 2023 report from the Wisconsin Office of Rural Health. Most rely on assistance from EMS agencies in neighboring communities at least some of the time.  At 10 a.m. Oct. 27, “Route 51” host Shereen Siewert welcomes Wisconsin EMS Association Executive Director Alan DeYoung and Office of Rural Health Outreach Manager James Small to share insight about the challenges faced in communities throughout the state.

“Route 51” is heard Fridays at 10 a.m. on The Ideas Network stations 101.3 & 91.9/Wausau, AM 930/Auburndale-Stevens Point, 99.1/Stevens Point, 100.9/Marshfield, 90.3/Park Falls, 89.1/Adams-Wisconsin Rapids, 89.9/Rhinelander-Eagle River, 88.3/Menomonie-Eau Claire and 88.7/River Falls and live streamed at wrfw887.com/listen-live.html. It is re-broadcast Fridays at 7 p.m. on 90.9/Wausau. Program archives are available at wpr.org/route51.