WAUSAU — The Greater Wausau Chamber of Commerce will host a free program on the digital transformation fueled by artificial intelligence in Room E101 at Northcentral Technical College at 2 p.m. on Monday, November 27. The program will feature a presentation by Peter Dulcamara on the new business models and technologies that are shaping our future.

Dulcamara is the founder of Pete Dulcamara & Associates and served as the Chief Scientist, Vice President of Corporate Research & Engineering and Site Leader of the Innovation and Operational Excellence Center at Kimberly-Clark Corporation. Dulcamara speaks around the world, translating complex topics into highly accessible and inspiring insights.

“The 21st century economy is rapidly advancing through digital transformation,” said Dave Eckmann, President/CEO of the Chamber. “To remain competitive, businesses in every industry sector require a better understanding of the technology at hand and where it is heading. This program is intended as an important first step.”

The program is free and open to both members and non-members, but registration is required. For more information or to register, visit WausauChamber.com.