Bohemian waxwing eating fruit from a highbush cranberry. Photo courtesy Ryan Brady.

Providing natural habitat is the best way to feed birds through the winter. Supplementing natural foods with a few feeders stocked with the right foods, however, can help some bird species survive harsh winter conditions and bring them up close so you can enjoy them. Here are some ways to do both.

Boost natural foods for birds

Winter sow seeds. Want to try growing native plants from seed? Part of that process involves exposing seeds to the freeze-thaw cycle outdoors. Dane County’s Land & Water Conservation Department has a growing guide and video to help you create mini greenhouses outside.

Check to see if your community has free seeds. In Madison, for example, free native plant seeds are available from seed libraries at six public libraries.

Prairie Nursery in Westfield ships native seeds year round.

Get ideas and inspiration for 2024.

“Beyond the Birdfeeder” is a quick read by Mariette Nowak with lists of native trees, shrubs and wildflowers good for birds. “Bird Garden in Wisconsin” also features recommendations and links to detailed species information.

Sign up for catalogs and/or notices when plants are available for ordering in spring. Here are a few options.

Johnson’s Nursery catalog and news sign up.

Prairie Nursery’s request a catalog and sign up.

White Pelican Farm. Scroll to the bottom to sign up.

Check DNR’s Native Plant Nurseries for more options.

Check Wisconsin Wild Ones chapter webpages or your local nature center for online ordering/sale dates.

Source: Save Our Songbirds