Dear editor,

Perfectly timed, well scripted, and fueled by the activists, along comes another crisis, from which only the government bureaucrat and the “experts” in academia, can rescue us. You’ve seen this show before. Let’s examine the latest scare that has been inflicted on Wausau’s taxpayers, the evil lead water pipe.

A recent article in these pages (the Wausau Pilot & Review) sighted the conclusion of “expert” Jason Fletcher of La Follette School of Public Affairs, that lead exposure (can) shorten the average life by 2.7 months, curiously affecting blacks more than whites. One should know that his expertise is in the “dismal science” not medicine or chemistry, as evidenced by his specious conclusions.

First, let me acknowledge that I have no doubt that lead exposure, in concentrations, and over time, is a poison, but there exists no definitive study that shows lead water pipes to be the culprit. The proposed remedy is $80 million, but not to worry, $5 million is forgivable! Is this a repeat of PfAS? Millions of dollars for an “unmeasurable” improvement on another exaggerated pollutant?

Second, that science can “mathematically” apportion different cause of death to those that have already reached an old age seems dubious at best. Unfortunately, big government proponents know how to exploit difficult to prove, slow to occur, long-term causes of death. Did Mr. Fletcher isolate control groups for obesity, smoking, drinking or stress?  Honestly, does anyone die of old age anymore?

Third, Mr. Fletcher’s racial observation only serves to divide the “true” scientific community from the “agenda driven” science community. As we saw with Covid, physicians and scientists, whose independent research didn’t agree with that of the government’s, and who later were proven correct, were ostracized, lost funding and were fired. True science welcomes scrutiny, is never “settled” and deplores consensus, but that is an argument for another day.

Let me pause for a comical observation. Surely, the activist that would have us spend $10,000 per household to remove lead pipes in order to recoup this 2.7 month of extended life, would be horrified by the legalization of marijuana, right?

Now, for what many believe is really going on. — For the past year, like a well-rehearsed show, the snake oil caravan composed of the White House, EPA, Wisconsin DNR, and Shawn Kerachsky, CEO of Community Infrastructure Partners (CIP) has rolled into town. They tell us what ails us, and “Look here,” says Dr. Shawn, “We have the proven elixir right here in our stagecoach.”

After a few road trips, some “smart people” seminars, and just some old-fashioned feel-good schmoozing, local pols are beguiled by the show. “And that’s not all,” says Dr. Shawn, “If you buy all 80 bottles, you get the first 5 bottles free!”  “Don’t worry about the other 75 bottles, you can pay us later. We’ll just call it a loan!” “Wow, thanks Dr. Shawn. Now I can help my people with the ailment they don’t even know they have yet!”  And off go the happy pols to rescue their citizens.

OK, OK, so I’m having a little bit too much fun here, (blame The Babylon Bee for my excess) but really, how far away am I from describing this all too common big government grift?  Create the fear, fund the study, stir up the activists, wine and dine the pols, fleece the taxpayers.

Wausau, wake up, (Wausau City Council member Doug) Diny is right. Reconsider the CIP proposal and rationally question the danger of lead water pipes as well.

Orlando Alfonso of Wausau

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