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Dear editor,

Beware of politicians who want to reduce federal spending by eliminating entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare. Their definition of entitlement means “you’re getting something for free or something you don’t deserve.” I strongly disagree.

Social Security and Medicare are two of the best social safety net programs for Wisconsin seniors who rely on Social Security monthly payments to provide basic needs. Without these payments, many Wisconsin seniors would fall into poverty. Medicare provides seniors with basic health care, at a reasonable cost.

Wait a minute! I am ENTITLED to these programs. I DESERVE to participate in them. WHY?

Because like all the other Wisconsin seniors who receive these benefits, I’ve paid into these programs for my entire 50-plus-year working life. Social Security is a self-sustaining program paid for by employee and employer taxes. This is a benefit I HAVE EARNED, along with the other 66 million Americans who rely on these programs. I continue to pay monthly Medicare premiums, and taxes on my Social Security.

Social Security and Medicare are often first on the list to cut, or control federal government spending. We hear statistics that Social Security funding will run out within a decade. For many of us, that’s within our lifetimes. According to billionaire investor Warren Buffet, he believes the annual wage cap ($168,600 in 2024) should be eliminated and Social Security taxes should be paid on all incomes. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that raising the cap to over $250,000 annual incomes would generate $1 trillion in ten years. This would make Social Security solvent for many decades to come.

Make sure your federal legislators know how much you care about these vital programs for seniors. Support those who support you. Be vocal in your opposition to cuts to these programs or to privatize them. Currently Social Security taxes are invested in US Treasury bonds, with a guaranteed rate of return. The federal government can use the Social Security Trust Fund for expenses, but must pay these loans back, with interest. 

Call you representatives today to tell them to keep Social Security solvent for us Wisconsin seniors, our children, and our grandchildren.

  • Tom Tiffany at 202-225-3365
  • Ron Johnson at 202-228-6965
  • Tammy Baldwin 202-224-5653

Nancy Kolb, Webster, Wis.