Submitted by Jim Force to Wausau Pilot & Review

Winners have been announced for the women’s All-American Bonspiel held at the Wausau Curling Center over the weekend.

The O’Leary Rink (Teresa O’Leary, Angela Olson, Camille Anderson and Holly Reissman) won the first event. Runners-up were the Manock Rink, including Tracy Manock, April Rosemurgy, Judy Fries, and Sana Wressel.

The second event was won by the Susens Rink (Kim Susens, Mikhayla Tokarski, Karen Haugh, and Danielle Reindl.) Runners-up were the Landon Rink (Lisa Landon, Denise Spear, Cassie Cerny, and Justine Parrish. 

The Jourdan rink won the third event  (Annie Jourdan, Melissa Truonie, Linda Cotton).

Runners-up were the Gorichs Rink with Valerie Gorichs, Ann Juliot, Louisa Duckworth and Karen Thurs.

Donations were collected for the Women’s Community and the competition occurred the day after International Women’s Day.