Dear editor,

I am voting NO on both of the election-related constitutional amendment questions on April 2, and I urge other members of Marathon County to do the same. 

No matter what race, background, or zip code, Wisconsinites know that voting is a fundamental right, yet a handful of politicians want to pass knee-jerk laws that affect the safety and security of our elections and will prevent voters from making their voices heard. 

The first constitutional amendment question would limit critical funding for our elections without any plan to make sure election administrators have the tools they need. I support fully funded and well-run elections. That’s why I will vote NO on question 1.

The second question would deprive our hardworking election officials of outside expertise and community support that help make our elections run smoothly and accurately. I trust my local election officials and want them to have the resources they need. That’s why I will vote NO on question 2. 

These constitutional amendments could affect how long we wait in line to vote, how many polling locations are open and the speed of results. I care about these things in our elections, and I know so many others in Marathon County agree.  

On April 2, we have the chance to come together and show that our votes matter, and we care about our elections. 

Vote NO on April 2. Visit to view your ballot and find your polling place.

Nancy Stencil of Rib Mountain

Editor’s note: Wausau Pilot & Review gladly publishes commentary from readers, residents and candidates for local offices. The views of readers and columnists are independent of this newspaper and do not necessarily reflect the views of Wausau Pilot & Review. To submit, email [email protected] or mail to 500 N. Third St., Suite 208-8, Wausau, Wis. 54403.