By Shereen Siewert | Wausau Pilot & Review

Weston’s Tourism Commission on Monday unanimously rejected a request by Monk Botanical Gardens for funding supporting its annual Blossom of Lights festival, amid continued controversy surrounding the organization.

The Commission also rejected funding for Wausau Pride, a June 1 festival that celebrates and raises awareness for the LGBT community.

The Gardens requested $10,000 from the Weston Room Tax Hold account for the festival, set for Sept. 25 through Oct. 26. The six-member Tourism Commission is made up of village trustees, lodging representatives and community members who oversee and approve grants for events that will generate overnight stays and have an overall impact on the economic outlook for Weston.

Gardens Executive Director Darcie Howard attended the meeting to defend the request and answered sharp questions from the Commission about the recent furor over a propose name change to Wausau Botanic Gardens, which the organization’s board since reversed. Howard on Tuesday said the decision was made as part of a larger marketing strategy – but the public outcry has been significant, with thousands of people signing a petition and joining a social media group rejecting the change.

Some commission members say they received phone calls and emails from members of the public ahead of the meeting, which was attended by more than a dozen people.

Commission member Dino Corvino said he had a tough time making a decision on the vote, because he supports the Blossom of Lights event but was dissatisfied by how the Monk Gardens organization has managed the recent controversy.

Corvino said he came into the meeting looking for a reason to vote yes, though he had reservations based on choices and statements made by Gardens leadership and board members.

“I think we gave the Director a chance to explain what was occurring, but the tone was confrontational and dismissive of the people in the room,” Corvino told Wausau Pilot on Tuesday. “It was a hard choice that was made much easier in the moment.”

Howard, in an email to Wausau Pilot on Tuesday, declined to comment. She also declined to elaborate on how funding requests are working out in other communities that typically support the organization.

Wausau Pride Fest requested $1,500 in funding and has received money in past years from Weston. But some Commission members pushed back on the mission of the festival including Jamie Weiland, who said the event serves only about 5 percent of the population. The vote was tied at 3-3, resulting in a loss.