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Dear editor,

There has been nothing short of an assault on the leadership team at Monk Gardens over recent weeks, some of it deservedly so. MANY, MANY stories have been done about the community’s divisiveness over the naming issue. But a week ago, a member of the Monk family reaches out to the community to work together to move forward. I apologize but I have seen no media coverage of this letter to the editor of the Wausau Pilot.

Kudos to the Pilot for posting it once but not even the Pilot has given this story as much press as the negative stories and letters which it repeated daily over and over again. One obscure letter on June 13 signed by Robert W. Monk calls for us to work together and move forward. Unless you are telling me this story is fraud, I think the family’s willingness to pull us together is big news. 

What say you? 

Thank you. 


Bob Stasney, Wausau