Wausau Pilot & Review

Sunday, Jan. 9 is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, a day set aside to show support for law enforcement on the local, state and federal levels.

The day, designated in 2015, is one in which we voice our strong appreciation to the officers who serve us and keep our communities safe every day, running toward the danger instead of away from it. Their actions ensure public safety by addressing crime, keeping the peace, helping people in crisis and protecting us all from violence.

The U.S. Dept. of Justice, in a statement released yesterday, said it well.

“Over the past two years we have been frequently reminded of the difficult challenges faced by law enforcement officers, many of which have been amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021 across the country, 491 police officers died in the line of duty.”

Today, we encourage you all to take a moment to recognize the challenges our local law enforcement community makes and show your support. Say thank you. Send an email. Tweet your support. Post encouragement on Facebook and tag local departments in doing so. Though these gestures are small, they can collectively show how much we appreciate their dedication to public safety.

To our local officers, deputies, communications personnel, prosecutors, judges and other members of the law enforcement community, thank you. As journalists, we acknowledge that we are, sometimes, at odds with one another when it comes to our reporting. But that doesn’t take away from the respect we have for the law enforcement community. We recognize the work you do, and salute your dedication to promoting justice and public safety.