Wausau Pilot & Review

This season, the Marathon County Public Library is sharing Sensational Summer Reads with Wausau Pilot & Review readers. Each week during the summer, Wausau Pilot will feature one recommended book for adults and one for children, handpicked by MCPL staff. Here are this week’s picks:

“Spreckle’s Snack Surprise,” by Sandra Salsbury

Spreckle is a little dragon who is born on a farm and raised by a mother hen alongside her chicks. Life for Spreckle is fine, all except for the snacks. The snacks needed some serious improvement.

According to Spreckle “a life without a decent snack was hardly a life at all” and so she had no choice but to head out on an adventure for tastier treats! Spreckle thinks she may have found the perfect snack at last – or is it too good to be true?

Kids and adults alike will be amused by Spreckle’s charming antics in this picture book.

“Vita Nostra,” by Marina & Sergey Dyachenko

Imagine you received an invitation to one of the most prestigious schools in the country. You never applied, and haven’t even heard of the school.

Sasha Samokhina has been chosen to attend the Institute of Special Technologies. The lessons are obscure and frustrating, and the homework nearly impossible. The school doesn’t punish you for failing, but it will punish your family. Despite everything, the school transforms Sasha.

This novel is a wonderful adventure full of science and magic, which probes the mysteries of time, space and existence.

Visit the Marathon County Public Library for more great reads, and watch for next week’s recommendation!